Thursday, October 31, 2019

Womens Equality Diminishes Men Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Womens Equality Diminishes Men - Assignment Example Women rising to positions of power and taking up some roles may not be appealing to all men. Men might feel that women’s push for equality is a threat to their legitimate rights. Several feminist writers would have different perspectives on this issue. Betty Friedan, a feminist, female, writer, would hold a different view. She believed that women could find fulfillment from other roles outside their traditional roles and homes. Women’s equality does not diminish men in any way. Women can also serve the country through assuming political and economic roles. Women can help achieve a better economic progress for everyone and a prosperous future for everyone. Men should learn to appreciate this and women should also take a step to identify their potentials and use those potentials to grow themselves and their nations. Sharing of power amongst men and women has proved impressive results. Incorporating women in decision making helps improve the decisions made by leaders for nations as the decisions made cater for all citizens. This has helped improved nations in all aspects. Key to success in pushing for women’s equality has been the various organizations formed to fight for women’s rights. Apart from assuming leadership, it is necessary that women also make sure they earn what is equal to the task they have performed. Men might not be willing to embrace women equality because it reduces their dominance of women. Women taking up jobs have reduced their dependency on men. They can now provide for themselves. This has led to the increased number of women living single and the increased number of divorce cases. Men also face competition in their working places from women. This may seem demeaning to some of them; therefore, most of them oppose women equality. Family roles have been changing. Men no longer dictate their wives’ choices and sometimes men have been forced to follow decisions made by their wives. Â  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social protections in Europe are too generous. Discuss Essay - 1

Social protections in Europe are too generous. Discuss - Essay Example ed in a context characterized by high economic growth, low employment, strong national states, and limited international competition faced by domestic firms. These social protection systems also generated high levels of expenditure, which weighed heavily on public budgets. High levels of public expenditures on social protection had their roots in decisions made to create and extend public programmes in the field of education, health, old age and other areas. Basically overall level of social expenditures in motivating reforms is the way in which these expenditures are distributed among the population (Lynch, 2001). The forces of globalization and technological progress also affect social protection. While both of these factors have improved economic efficiency and living standards, they have also increased cost- competitions among firms, and generated pressures to reduce the cost of social protection. The various national systems of social protection are deeply rooted in the member s tates of the European union. Social convergence with the EU has since long been an important goal. In accordance with the European council Decision establishing the social protection committee, it acts as a forum for exchange regarding policy developments in respect of achievement of four objectives endorsed by the council to enhance policy cooperation in the area of social protection, namely: to make work pay and provide secure income; to make pension safe and pension systems sustainable; to promote social inclusion; to ensure high quality and sustainable health care. Series of mandates have been handed down by the European Council Progress has not been achieved at the same rate across the different policy branches. Progress has been strongest in the domain of social inclusion with the submission of national action plans by the member states in June 2001. A similar stage should have been reached in respect of national pension strategy reports in which the social protection committe e

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: UNFCCC and India

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: UNFCCC and India From UNFCCC Goals to India Abstract: Climate Change has the potential to alter the ability of the earths physical and biological systems to provide goods and services essential for sustainable development. Recognition of Climate Change as a significant global environmental challenge has a recent origin. International efforts to address the climate change formally began only a decade ago with the adoption of United Nations Framework Convention to Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992. India is a party to UNFCCC and the government of India attaches great importance to climate change issue. India is a vast country covering 3.28 million Km2 with diverse surface features and supports 16.2 percent of the global human population. Endowed with varied soils, climate, biodiversity and ecological regimes, under diverse natural conditions and over a billion people speaking different languages, following different religions and living in rural and urban areas, India is an example for a complex yet successful democratic system. Decentralization of powers through local government, to benefit the grass root level is another significant feature of Indian Government. The 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts, 1992, of the Constitution of India have endowed vast powers to local governments at rural and urban levels respectively. Indias commitments to mitigate climate change are reflected in the essence of these two acts and the working and powers given to the local government. This paper explains and brings to picture how climate change mitigation strategies are filtered in Indian System right from the UNFCCC goals to The Government of India and further to smaller levels of local governments. The paper will explain the hierarchy and working of Indian governance system and highlights the climate change initiatives within this system. The paper will also analyze the constraints and gaps in the institutional setup at local level, which, if rectified, would give more successful results in Climate Change Mitigation Mission of the Government of India. Introduction: Over a decade ago most countries joined an international treaty- The United Nations Convention on Climate Change so as to consider the impacts of climate change and to work for adaptation and mitigation initiatives for secure future and sustainable development. The convention, commonly known as the UNFCCC entered into force on 21 March 1994. The ultimate objective of The convention is stabilizing green house gas emissions at a lower level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate systems. Under the convention the governments- Gather and share information on greenhouse gas emissions, national policies and best practices Launch national strategies for addressing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to expected impacts, including the provision of financial and technological support to developing countries. Cooperate in preparing the adaptation to the impacts of climate change. In 1997, the Kyoto protocol came into being, which shared the conventions objectives, principles and institutions and also significantly strengthened the convention by committing the parties to individual and specially; â€Å"legally binding targets† to limit or reduce climate change. The text of the Kyoto Protocol was adopted unanimously in 1997; and it entered into force on 16 February 2005. India is signatory to various multilateral environmental agreements, including The Montreal Protocol, The convention on Biological diversity, the United nations Convention to combat desertification ,including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) .Government of India attaches great importance to climate change issues. Eradication of poverty, avoiding risks to food production, and sustainable development are three principles embedded in the Convention. At present, information provided in the Indias Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC is in terms of guidelines prescribed for Parties not included in Annex I to the UNFCCC and the inventory is prepared for the base year 1994. India is a vast country. It covers 3.28 million km2 of area having diverse surface features. Also, it occupies only 2.4 percent of the worlds geographical area, but supports 16.2 per cent of the global human population. The country is endowed with varied soils, climate, biodiversity and ecological regimes. â€Å"Under such diverse natural conditions, over a billion people speaking different languages, following different religions and living in rural and urban areas, live in harmony under a democratic system†( India NATCOM,2004). Climate Change Negotiations Global warming issue became a part of the international agenda in 1988. The climate issue, initiated by the small island nation Malta, came up at the UN General Assembly in December 1988, as part of a discussion on the common heritage of mankind. The resolution set up a preparatory committee to work towards an international agreement. The concern for global warming particularly by the industrialized countries geared up since then and climate politics came into being and were refined with a series of international conferences and formal negotiations that followed. The momentum culminated in the signing of a Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and opened for signatures at the Rio Earth Summit in June, 1992. The FCCC aims at stabilization of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Subsequently, the parties to the FCCC adopted the Kyoto Protocol in December, 1997. However, the developing nations see the Protocol as burdened with loopholes because of the fact that it emphasizes on the economic concerns, rather than ecological or social justice. The main area of dispute between the developed countries and the developing countries lies in the sectors pertaining to equity and sustainability. However, the operational details of the Kyoto Protocol have now been finalised after intensive deliberations at Marrakech, on November 10, 2001, which was participated by 171 countries . The protocol has been guided by Article 3.0 of the FCCC, and marks the first global attempt to place legally binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions from developed countries. The Protocol calls for 5.2% reduction from their 1990 level of GHG emissions by the developed countries during the period 2008-2012. It also specifies the amount each country must contribute toward meeting the reduction goal. Nations with the highest CO2 emissions like the United States, Japan and most European nations are expected to reduce emissions by a range of 6 to 8 per cent. By 2005, all industrialized nations that ratify the accord must also show demonstrable progress toward fulfilling their respective commitments under the Protocol. Some issues that add to the complexity of the Kyoto Protocol: Considerations for baseline and its effects The target of 5.2% reduction beyond 1990 level in the commitment period 2008-2012, were dependent on 1990 emissions. This meant that if a country which had high emissions in 1990 and had reduced them between 1990 and thereafter, then it could actually increase its emission once again, or only stabilize these, and not carry out any reductions. As an example one can analyse the case of Australia. In 1990, as much as 30 percent of the emissions were from deforestation, which eventually became a blessing for the country for, instead of penalizing for creating the problem in the first place, Australia has been able to use its emission to its advantage, by winning the right to count any improvement from its 1990 level as its national credit. And as its deforestation rate has been controlled, it actually can increase its emission above and beyond the figure of 8 percent it is expected to reduce. On the other hand, USA and Japan were lobbying hard to change the date of baseline from 1990 to 1995. The reason for this lies in the fact that both the countries have made a significant increase in carbon emissions between 1990 and 1995. Flexible mechanisms The Kyoto Protocol includes three mechanisms Art.6 (Joint Implementation), Art.12 (Clean Development Mechanism) and Art.17 (Emissions Trading), These mechanisms are meant to pave an explicit way for developed countries to meet their Kyoto targets easily. The cheapest and the most attractive option for meeting the emission targets of the North (i.e developed countries-Annexe I) being the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that will be operated on the project basis invested in the South (i.e under developed countries). This implies that, as global warming is bound to be unsolved even by the end of this century, the South would have to pay a heavy price in future once they have reached a high level of energy efficiency through means like CDM. For by then the cost of carbon cutting will be very high even for the developing countries, which would eventually have to do the carbon cutting on their own. The next issue comes on the question of energy-efficient technology, which the North wishes to push to the South through CDM. As technology up-gradation is a continuous process, hence what is the most efficient technology at the time of implementation of the CDM project, may be obsolete within few years that follows. Principle of equity: the Kyoto Protocol does not define the rights and responsibilities of all nations within a reasonable frame. So long as the world remains within a carbon based energy economy, equitable sharing of the atmosphere shall remain a critical issue, especially for poor developing countries who need a maximum space for their future economic growth. The Kyoto reduction, by itself, is inadequate to achieve a stabilization of climate change by 2100. A continual and larger reduction, similar to that stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol for the 2008-2012 period, will be needed in the future in order to begin to stabilize long-term greenhouse gas emissions. Even if stabilization of greenhouse gases is achieved, global warming will still continue for several decades and sea levels will continue to rise for several centuries. This is because Even if the emissions from the developed countries were reduced to zero in the near future, the current trends of growing emissions from developing countries alone could force the atmospheric concentration to exceed stabilization levels of 550 ppm ( Parivesh, CPCB,2006). Thus, participation of all countries, including the developing countries such as India, is essential for a successful worldwide effort to arrest the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. India and Climate Change- The Threats and Vulnerability Climate Change is a major global environmental problem and an important issue because of diverse impacts not only ecological, but economic, social, political and physical in nature and content. It is a matter of great concern especially for developing countries like India who have limited capacity to develop and adopt strategies to reduce their vulnerability to changes in climate. Global, national and local level measures are need of the hour to combat the adverse impacts of climate change induced damages. â€Å"India being a developing country has low capacity to withstand the adverse impacts of climate change due to high dependence of majority of population on climate sensitive sectors as the agriculture, forestry and fisheries†,( Shukla,, 2003). This is coupled with poor infrastructure facilities, weak institutional mechanisms and lack of financial resources. This is the reason why we are seriously concerned with the possible impacts of climate change. The possible impacts of climate change are mentioned below: Water stress and reduction in the availability of fresh water due to potential decline in rainfall. Threats to agriculture and food security, since agriculture is monsoon dependent and rain dependent agriculture dominates in many states. Shifts in area and boundary of different forest types and threats to biodiversity with adverse implications for forest-dependent communities. Adverse impact on natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, mangroves, grasslands and mountain ecosystems. Adverse impact of sea-level rise on coastal agriculture and settlements. Impact on human health due to the increase in vector and water-borne diseases, such as malaria. Increased energy requirements and impact on climate-sensitive industry and infrastructure. One of the various reasons for vulnerability of India depends on its typical and diverse climatic conditions. India is subject to a wide range of variation in climatic conditions from the freezing Himalayan winters in the north to the tropical climate of the southern peninsula, from the damp, rainy climate in the north-east to the arid Great Indian Desert in the north-west, and from the marine climates of its vast coastline and islands to the dry continental climate in the interior. The Indian summer monsoon is the most important feature in dictating meteorology of the Indian subcontinent and, hence, its economy. Almost all regions of the country receive entire annual rainfall during the summer monsoon (also called the SW monsoon), while some parts of the south-eastern states also receive rainfall during early winter from the north-east monsoon. Therefore, India could be more at risks than many other countries from changes in temperature and sea level. Models predict an average increase in temperature in India from 2.3 to 4.8  °C for the bench mark doubling of carbon dioxide scenario (Lonergan, World Bank Technical Paper No.402, 1998). Temperatures would rise more in Northern India than in Southern India. In the North Indian Ocean, under a doubling, the average number of tropical disturbance days could increase from 17 to 29 a year (Haarsma Climate Dynamics, Vol.8, 1993); while, without protection, approximately 7 million people would be displaced, and 5,760 Km2 of land and 4,200 Km of road would be lost (Asthana, JNU, New Delhi, 1993). Further, in the Indian context, climate change could represent an additional stress on the ecological and socioeconomic system that are already facing tremendous pressure due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and economic development. Options for Mitigation â€Å"The ability to adapt to climate change depends on the level of income and technology, as well as the capacity of the system of governance and existing institutions to cope with change. The ability to mitigate GHG emissions depends on industrial structure (the mix of industrial activities), social structure (including, e.g., the distance people must travel to work or to engage in recreational activities), the nature of governance (especially the effectiveness of government policy), and the availability and cost of alternatives. In short, what is feasible at the national level depends significantly on what can be done at the subnational, local, and various sectoral levels†(Climate Change 2001: Working group III: Mitigation; IPCC,2001).The challenges of climate change mitigation involve diverse issues economic, political, social and environmental. Governance is one of the prime issues in mitigation of climate change impacts. A structured governance system is the only tool through which any policy framework or initiative can be achieved. The importance or role of governance in mitigation thus can be described through its three pillars: Organizational Structure- Through governance the qualities of organization participation, transparency and accountability can be achieved in the mitigation exercise at all levels.. Financial Mobilization- This involves ensuring financial commitment globally, at national levels and also at local levels of the government Legal Framework- It ensures empowerment, enforcement and compliance of mitigative strategies and supporting environmental laws. As the National GHG inventory for India shows, the major increase in GHG emissions over the next 20 years would be related to energy consumption. As India has abundant coal deposits, it is beyond doubt that coal will be the dominant source of energy. Therefore, energy efficiency measures in this sector remain our prime concern. Power generation in India is expected to reach a peak demand of 176 GW by 2012, and the total energy requirement will be 1058 billion units (Parivesh, Central Pollution Control Board, 2006). This is why; increasing the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the form of low carbon options are the two main measures that can greatly reduce GHG emissions. We will now simultaneously specify what scientific mitigation tools for climate change are available for various sectors and the corresponding governance measures to actually target the process of mitigation. The energy sector: Fiscal incentives and taxes, voluntary emission reductions, green rating, and capacity building etc. Another area of importance is the transmission and distribution losses, which is energy loss. There is considerable scope of reducing losses, meant to translate into a large mitigation potential. Two major categories of Barriers hinder adoption of electricity conservation and demand management in India. a) Macro-level barrier At the level of governance system; either policy induced or due to lack of appropriate policies and; b) Micro-level barriers related to the consumers and the economic environment they face.This can be equated to lack of awareness about possible alternatives on the part of the consumers and lack of awareness drives on the part of the government. The forestry sector: IPCC Second Assessment Report categorizes three broad options for abatement viz. Conservation management: This strategy attempts to conserve the existing carbon storage capacity of forests by halting or slowing down forests deforestation and forests degradation. Storage management : This strategy attempts to increase carbon strategy in woody vegetation and soil in existing degraded forests, as well as to create new carbon sinks in areas where forests do not exists or have been cleared. These may be achieved by promoting natural regeneration, reforestation on deforested lands, aforrestation of non-forest lands and agro-forestry on crop and pastureland. Substitution management: This strategy attempts involves the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable fuel wood or other biomass products. Here, governance plays an important role based on it a capacity to generate and bring about changes in the management of forests and augmentation of use of renewable products. The agriculture sector: Methane emissions from rice cultivation remain the major contributor of GHG emissions. Other sources being enteric fermentation, manure management, agricultural soils etc. Abatement strategy in this sector in India can be achieved given the scientific expertise available in India, but require gearing up by proper governmental intervention at the level of ministry of agriculture, as far as policy initiatives are concern, and through local governments for implementation and monitoring. The industrial sector: As the national inventory of GHG shows, major contribution came from energy intensive sectors like iron steel, fertilizer, cement, aluminium, paper pulp etc. A few option available for energy efficient options in power, industrial and domestic sector are given as follows: Source: Teri, New Delhi. These can be supported by further subsidizing use of energy efficient options and where required made mandatory by the government under the periphery of the existing environmental laws of the country. Mitigation through sinks: Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales, and is subsequently transferred to reservoirs or sinks. The Kyoto Protocol through its Ariticle 3.3 allows afforestation as a sink to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Further, Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol states that additional human induced activities in the agricultural soils and LULUCF categories may be added to the three mechanisms (Joint implementation, Clean Development mechanism and Emission trading) subject to certain conditions. In India, forestry is dominated by government based institutions. These institutions need new insight so that they can effectively incorporate mitigation policies and measures in their resource management activities. According to the central Pollution Control Board, India has been persistently implementing one of the largest reforestation programs in the tropics with over one million hectares planted annually. Nearly half of this reforestation is on degraded forests and village common land. It is estimated that the carbon uptake in forests, degraded forests, and plantations is estimated to offset the gross carbon emissions from the forests sector. Carbon dioxide emissions in India are projected to increase from no-net emissions in 1990 to 77 million tonnes by 2020( Parivesh, CPCB,2006). Barriers to mitigation: Greenhouse gas mitigation measures are compounded by several barriers inherent to the process of development. In India, inequitable distribution of income and wealth forms a core feature of barriers to effective implementation of any type of intervention in India, leave apart climate change. Available instruments to limit domestic GHG emissions can be categorized into market based instruments, regulatory instruments, and voluntary agreements. For the developing countries, however, domestic structural reforms and policies on trade liberalization and liberalization of energy markets act as barriers to GHG reduction. These policies coupled with macroeconomics, market oriented reforms, set the framework in which more specific climate policies would be implemented. The IPCC Special Report on technology Transfer (IPCC, 2000) identifies various important barriers that could impede environmental technology transfer, such as: lack of data, information, and knowledge, especially on emerging technologies; inadequate vision about the understanding of local needs and demands; high transaction costs and poor macro economic conditions; insufficient human and institutional capabilities; inappropriate technology adopted and Poor legal institutions and framework. These hold good for the overall barriers of mitigation in Indian Context also. In terms of governance and its intervention, technology transfer can be traded off with some of our own indigenous technologies. This will ensure equitable exchange and also promote indigenous Indian Science. National Policy for Climate Change Mitigation We, as present generation have inherited this environment and atmosphere from our ancestors. Further the consequences of climate change will be faced by our children in the future. And so it can be said that climate change is an inherently different and irreversible problem as compared to other environmental problems. Also, the assumption that prior experience of problems like air pollution has failed at many levels as a good model upon which policy decisions on climate can be based. Options to mitigate climate change include actual emission reductions carbon dioxide sequestration and investments in developing technologies that will make future reductions affordable and easily available since cheap relative to their current costs. Since the inception of UNFCC in 1992, the Govt. of India has been an active participant in the climate charge negotiations. India being a party to the UNFCC was the 38th country to ratify it on November 01, 1993. The Ministry of Environment Forests is the nodal Ministry for all environment related activities in the country and is the nodal Ministry for co-coordinating the climate charge policy as well. The working group on the FCCC was constituted to oversee the implementation of obligations under the FCCC and to act as a consultative mechanism in the Govt. for impacts to policy formulation on climate change. To enlarge the feedback mechanism the Govt. of India has constituted an Advisory group on climate charge under the chairmanship of the Minister of Environment Forests. Development of National Guidelines Policy Options for reducing GHG Emissions The national guidelines or framework for monitoring GHG emissions and policy options for reducing GHG should emphasize not only on issues associated with climate change but also include the following: Emission Forecasting Setting goals Policy criteria Policy evaluation Organizational and political issues Climate change and GHG emission and sequestration may include many sectors of society and extend far into the future. Furthermore, policy measures to address GHGs overlap with many other public policy objectives, however in a complimentary way. Policy formulations involve: Understanding the issues at hand, Having a broad vision of the range of actions that governments can take to address those issues, Selecting from within this the approaches that offer the most potential far achieving multiple public goals. More importantly, the policy formulation process must respond to local circumstances and must address institutional, fiscal, political, and other constraints. The Govt. of India has nevertheless addressed a large number of local and regional environmental issues in its developmental strategy that are complementary to the climate change issue. Institutional Arrangements So Far For Climate Change Related Strategies In Area of Research The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Ministry of Science and Technology (MST), Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Ministry of Non Conventional Energy (MNES), Ministry of Defence (MoD), Ministry of Health and Family welfare (MoHFW), are the main ministries of the Government of India which promote and undertake climate and climate change-related research in the country. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is also am important agency involved in working of this area and is under the direct governance of the Prime Minister.It supports all the above agencies with satellite-based passive remote sensing. The MoEF, MST, MHRD and MOA operate under the umbrella of many premier national research laboratories and universities. The most prominent being the 40 laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous body under the MST; and the vast network of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the MOA. The CSIR is the national RD organization which provides scientific and industrial research for Indias economic growth and human welfare. It has a countrywide network of 40 laboratories and 80 field centers. The ICAR network includes institutes, bureaus, national research centers, The Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the MST coordinates advanced climatic and weather research and data collection over the Indian landmass. There are three premier institutions under DST that are solely dedicated to atmospheric science viz. the IMD, the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (NCMRWF) and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM). Apart from the Indian initiatives, climate change research promoted by international organizations like the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), International Human Dimension Program (IHDP) and DIVERSITAS are being strongly supported by various Indian agencies like Indian Climate Research Program (ICRP) under DST, National Committee- International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (NC-IGBP) constituted by Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and Geosphere-Biosphere Program (GBP) of ISRO. Agencies like CSIR, also provides infra-structural and financial support to carry out research in the area of global change In Area of Development The single most important feature of our post-colonial experience is that the people of India have conclusively demonstrated their ability to forge a united nation despite its diversity, and to pursue development within the framework of a functioning, vibrant and pluralistic democracy. In this process, the democratic institutions have put down firm roots, which continue to gain strength and spread. A planned approach to development has been the central process of the Indian democracy, as reflected in the national five-year plans, state plans,departmental annual plans, and perspective plans of various ministries of the central and state governments. For the last five and a half decades, the guiding objectives of the Indian planning process have been sustained economic growth, poverty alleviation, food, health, education and shelter for all, containing population growth, employment generation, self-reliance, peoples participation in planning and programme implementation, and infrastruc ture development. The National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development, 1992, provides the basis for the integration of environmental considerations in the policies of various sectors. It aims at the achievement of sustainable lifestyles and the proper management and conservation of resources. The Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution, 1992, stresses the prevention of pollution at the source, based on the ‘polluter pays principle. It encourages the use of the most appropriate technical solutions, particularly for the protection of heavily polluted areas and river stretches. The Forest Policy, 1988, highlights environmental protection through preservation and restoration of the ecological balance. The policy seeks to substantially increase the forest cover in the country through afforestation programmes. This environmental framework aims to take cognizance of the longer-term environmental perspective related to industrialization, power generation, transportation, mining, agriculture, irrigation and other such economic activities, as well as to address parallel concerns related to public health and safety. The statutory framework for the environment includes the Indian Forest Act, 1927, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Other enactments include the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, the National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995, and the National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997. The courts have also elaborated on the concepts relating to sustainable development, and the ‘polluter pays and ‘precautionary principles. In India, matters of public interest, particularly pertaining to the environment, are articulated effectively through a vigilant media, an active NGO community, and very importantly, through the judicial process which has recognized the citizens right to a clean environment as a component of the right to li

Friday, October 25, 2019

How Media Influences Women Essay -- essays research papers

We, the American public are hit from every imaginable direction every waking moment of our lives by slick advertising agencies trying to coerce us into or tell us why we need to buy their products. Their products will make us happier or thinner, or prettier. The advertisers often use the picture of youth and vitality so that the public will associate that particular product or service with being young and beautiful. They do this because of course in our society youth and beauty are to be coveted. Everyone would like to be forever young and beautiful or for as long as they can anyway. So, everyone is trying to look younger or wants to look younger. The things that we can associate with youth are obvious. We see the picture of youth and beauty everywhere. Look in any magazine, Watch TV, see billboards, everywhere you turn we see young, beautiful people. Youth is synonymous with beauty so little wonder why when you read this bumper sticker â€Å"few women admit their age, few men act i t† a lot of women won’t divulge their age. To do so would be to admit they are perhaps older than they look or if we were to know their real age we might say something (hopefully to ourselves) like â€Å"jeez, she looks a lot older than that!†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media is really the one at work that shapes a lot of our attitudes and beliefs. They might not necessarily be healthy attitudes and beliefs but they are the ones that have been shoved in front of our faces from the day we were born. Believe me, they know how powerful and influential they (the media) can be. The most disturbing thing to me about advertising is the ideal female body they use. It is absolutely tight, contained, bolted down. Being thin is not enough. Women need to be in shape as well. Obtaining that body becomes a matter of self-control. It illustrates to me that they are saying thin women are in control. They have mastered the discipline of dieting and exercise. It is the fat women who are not in control. Fat has become associated with laziness and lack of self-discipline. Of the statistics that I ran across while researching this topic said that eighty percent of girls between the ages of eight and twelve are on a diet. The number one wish of most women and girls is to loose weight. Media presents images that tell woman and girls that acceptance means being unnaturally thin. The average fashion model,... ...than among males. The ideals of female beauty have not always been inbodied in the figure of most of today’s â€Å"super models† whose bodies resemble that of a young boy, not a woman. Figures like that of Marilyn Monroe, which today are considered fat, were the ideals of the time thirty years ago. It seems difficult to dispute that the attainment of the slender ideal is very painful for many women. in light of the statistics given earlier (only five percent of women can achieve the ideal fashion model form), it is an impossible task for women to pursue. Women develop a highly damaging relationship with food that does very little except limit their lives. Advertising has served as a disciplinary force in the lives of women. Advertisers create images that dictate cultural trends indicative of the time. The dominating image of the painfully thin woman in advertising remains the ideal for the American women. The grim truth is that attaining the slender body of today is not realistic for most women. Their bodies are not naturally shaped like those of twelve-year old boys. Eating disorders are on the rise, and the relationship women have with food is becoming an increasingly dangerous one.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Non-Commissioned Officer the Embodiment of the Corps’ History

Cpl. Stalinsky,Travis Class 318-13 20121202 Squad #1 â€Å"How is the Modern Corps’ Non-commissioned Officer the Embodiment of the Corps’ History and Tradition? † The United States Marine Corps non-commissioned officers are the Marines who have proven that they are worthy to handle the responsibility to lead junior Marines. The backbone of the Marine Corps as they have been described as. Their job is not just a few tasks’ it’s a large variety of tasks. It requires them to be professional, have courage, and integrity to set the example for others to follow and look to for guidance; thus emulating the corps history nd traditions.Throughout history the loyalty and commitment previous NCO’s have displayed made it a tradition to teach the new NCO’s picking up rank to carry on the standard, which modern NCO’s can be proud of and carry on with pride. When looking back into Marine Corps history of Medal of Honor recipients, the first on to receive the Medal of Honor was Cpl. John Mackie. He was the very picture of a Marine setting the right example as a non-commissioned. On May 15, 1862 while on board the U. S. S Galena in the Fort Darling attack at Drewry’s Bluff. â€Å"As enemy shellfire raked the deck of his ship, Cpl.Mackie fearlessly maintained his musket fire against the rifle pits along the shore, and when he was ordered to fill vacancies at guns caused by men wounded and killed in action, he manned the weapons with skill and courage†. This standard he set of instant and willing obedience to orders and courage is still what NCO’s to this day uphold. When the word Marine is heard by civilians, the word â€Å"loyal† comes to the top of their head. The modern Marine NCO’s are loyal to everything that is important to them and the Marine Corps. They proudly and loyally serve their country, their Corps, their unit, and themselves.They must show loyalty to their junior Marines. I t’s their job to mke sure their junior Marines have the right tools to be successful, and must always point them in the right for direction; thus gaining the junior Marines trust and respect. The Marine Corps depends on these fundamentals to be able to have efficient units, to have effective leaders to lead Marines into battle, and for Marines to be able to trust one another with each other with their lives. Now we fast forward from Cpl. John Mackie, who was awarded the first Medal of Honor, to a modern day NCO who was also awarded the Medal of Honor.This Marine displayed an abundance of courage, which overshadows all traits; without it we are doomed to fall short in all the other traits. On September 8, 2009 in Kunar province, Afghanistan, Cp. Dakota Meyer maintained security at a patrol rally point while other members of his team moved on foot with two platoons of the afghan National Army and Border Patrol into the village of Ganjgal for a pre-dawn meet with the village eld ers. The patrol ended up being ambushed by more than fifty enemy combatants. Cpl. Meyer heard over the radio that four U. S. team members were cut off on their way back to safety.Cpl. Meyer had a fellow Marine do the driving while he took up the exposed gunner’s position in a gun truck in attempt to disrupt the enemy attack and locate his fellow team members. Cpl. Meyer seizing the courage to make this bold and brave action, while under intense enemy fire, killed a number of enemy fighters, made a couple of trips saving and searching for his comrades. His unbelievable courage allowed him to commit to the dangerous task of helping his fellow Marines. This shows why courage is the most important trait because without it how could you face your fears to make the unpopular decision?How would you have the intestinal fortitude to conduct yourself as a Marine on and off duty always making the right decisions? To stand in front of your peers and subordinates and teach them knowledge? This is why NCO’s can lead is because they have the courage to do what is necessary. Modern Marine NCO’s are the true embodiment of the Corps history and traditions because as leaders they emphasize the professional values of their leadership concepts; such as loyalty to the Corps, loyalty to their nation, loyalty to their units, exhibiting selfless services, and their professional responsibilities as an NCO.The two Marine NCO’s that I have discussed have displayed vital points of the Corps history and traditions. The Corps values, leadership traits, and leadership principles that were demonstrated was courage, loyalty, and setting the example. Their actions have set the standards which modern Marine NCO’s take pride in and continue to uphold the tradition.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay

I. Programs Bridges Learning System: This program uses five step processes involving submit, evaluate, outline, extend, success to develop the students aptitudes and talents that are very important in the classroom through evaluating test results and constructing a profile each student skills and abilities. By then, students’ necessities are known and a particular program will be developed for its learning exercises needs (Brock, 2003). Cognitively-Guided Instruction (CGI): This model is a product of research of students thinking that teachers able to restructure their knowledge and understanding to what the students need. This done through direct-modeling actions, reasoning to the problem, and moving to other strategies that are needed for the improvement of the students (Carpenter, 2003). Four Blocks Literacy: The four blocks represents four different approaches to directed comprehension, self-selected comprehension, inscription and working with terms. Through this students don’t just learn, at the same time they provided with the needed instruction according to the personality of the student. These blocks are multi-level depending on the performance and needs of the student (Cunningham, 1989). Spalding Method: This method is a total language arts approach in spelling, writing, listening and reading comprehensions. This approach is very effective to both regular and special education (Christie, 2000). II. Curriculum Development and Instructional Strategies. Cooperative Learning: Through optimistic interdependence, driven interaction, and personal responsibility, mutual efforts could be a useful tool to promote the groups’ objectives and success rather than viable and personal efforts (Stefl-Mabry & Powers, 2005). Direct Instruction: Learning is hastened up through comprehensive presentations, ruling out misconceptions, and assisting generalizations. Students are properly monitored to evaluate the performance, periodically assessed for perceptions and immediately corrected for their errors (Oregon, 2003). Mastery Learning: Learning is centered on the methods of mastering rather than the content but it works best with the conventional substance-centered curriculum through distinct objectives and varieties of instructional techniques and suitable series of results (University, 2004). Modeling Instruction: This method of instruction is done through creating scientific models and providing primary theoretical apparatus for modeling intended to appreciate the physical world and to familiarize and develop the students’ insights on how scientific knowledge fits with the real world (Wells & Hestenes, 2003). These programs, curriculum and instructional instructions are developed and evaluated by Arizona K-12 Center’s Technical Review Council and found to be effective in meeting the instructional and educational needs of diverse student population. References Brock, B. (2003). Bridges Learning Systems ® [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Carpenter, T. (2003). Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. Christie, B. (2000). Topic teamwork: A collaborative integrative model for increasing student-centered learning in grades K-12. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(8), 28-32. Cunningham, P. (1989). Four Blocks Literacy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Oregon, E. (2003). Direct Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Stefl-Mabry, J. , & Powers, J. G. (2005). Collaborative, Problem-Based Learning: University and K-12 Partnerships. Knowledge Quest. ProQuest Education Journals, 33(4), 14-16. University, N. A. (2004). Instructional Strategies and Commercial Programs [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Wells, M. , & Hestenes, M. (2003). Modeling Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pircay is still a crim essays

Pircay is still a crim essays Software Piracy is the most common computer crime, it is the illegal coping of software. People wouldn't think of shoplifting software from a retail store, but don't think twice about going home and making several illegal copies of the same software and this is true because I myself am guilty of this. The major problem is not people going out and buying the software then making copies for everyone, it's the websites that cater to pirating software, that really cause the problem. On anyone one of these sites you could find hundreds of pirated software open for anyone to take. This is a problem and nothing can really be done about it. Few arrests are made in this area of computer crime. In 1993 worldwide illegal copying of domestic and international software cost $12.5 billion to the software industry, with a loss of $2.2 billion in the United States alone. Estimates show that over 40 percent of U.S. software company revenues are generated overseas, yet nearly 85 percent of the software industry's piracy losses occurred outside of the United States borders. The Software Publishers Association said that approximately 35 percent of the business software in the United States was obtained illegally, and 30 percent of the piracy occurs in the business world. In a business, every computer must have its own set of original software. It is illegal for a business to purchase a single set of original software and then load that software onto more than one computer, or lend, copy or distribute software for any reason without the prior written consent of the software manufacturer. In 1980 The Copyright Act was amended to explicitly include computer programs. Title 17 to the United States Code states that it is illegal to make or to distribute copies of copyrighted material without authorization, except for the user's right to make a single backup copy for archival pu ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Use of Characterization in Miguel Street Essay Example

Use of Characterization in Miguel Street Essay Example Use of Characterization in Miguel Street Paper Use of Characterization in Miguel Street Paper Essay Topic: Casablanca The authors Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, commonly known as V. S Naipaul was born in Trinidad, on 17th of August 1932. His family descended from immigrants from north of India. His grandfather worked in a sugar cane plantation and his father was a journalist and a writer. He was educated at Queens Royal College and after winning a government scholarship, he went on to study in England at University College in Oxford from where he achieved his Bachelor of Arts degree. Apart from a few years in the middle of 1950s when he was employed by BBC as a free-lance journalist, he has devoted himself entirely to his writing. His works consist mainly of novels and short-stories, but some are also documentaries. In the beginning he found himself rootless, as he felt alienated from his background but he found his voice as a writer in the mid 1950s, when he started to examine his own Trinidadian background. Most of his novels revolve around the Trinidadian society and Miguel Street is one of them which came out in 1959. Miguel Street has been classified as a group of short stories, as a series of sketches and as a novel. It is considered as a novel because of the fact that it is unified by a single narrator and by several patterns and themes. It can be seen as a group of short stories and a series of sketches because each chapter is dominated by a single character. Furthermore those major characters reappear as minor characters in other chapters. Characterization is a key factor in understanding Naipaulss Miguel Street and V. S Naipaul reveals its characters in a certain way. He uses conflict to reveal a character to the reader and the other characters in the novel. Most of the characters in the book are controversial and each character has an element of conflict. The readers learn about a character through the conflict they are facing and the way that character faces its conflict. It is conflict through which the nature of the character is revealed and the way that character thinks when faced with different problems. V. S Naipaul has used a narrator boy through whose eyes we see other characters. The narrator is a young boy in his adolescence whose observation of the people of the street also reflects his unconscious awakening as he grows from childhood through boyhood to early manhood. His growing up process is reflected in the unmasking of the characters who are each introduced initially as mysterious, romantic or colorful personalities who win the admiration of the people of the street until they are gradually exposed to emerge in their true colors. They are forced to emerge in their true colors when their conflict is revealed. V. S Naipaul uses the narrator boy and the gang to a certain extent to bring each of the characters one by one under a microscope where they are examined in detail. First the readers are given a fake image of the character because the character lies about his real identity and hides the conflict or the problem they are facing. But as soon as the conflict is revealed to the readers and the other characters in the novel, they all get to see the real side of the character. It is not only his peculiarities which are revealed but also their frustrations in life and their gradual decline from high expectations to an acceptance of failure, resignation to it or resorting to escape from the street. Bogart Bogart is the first character that the readers are introduced to. He has no identity and it is ironic how his mysteriousness is accepted unquestioningly by the people of Miguel Street. No one really knows about Bogart, not even his real name. He was first named Patience just because he plays a cards game called Patience all day and then he is given the name Bogart because of his resemblance to an actor in a movie called Casablanca. He comes to Miguel Street from somewhere and becomes the most popular man in the street at one point as the narrator boy says on page 11 He was at one time quite the most popular man in the street. Bogart creates a fake identity of himself in Miguel Street and never tells anyone about his real story, about his problem or conflict that he is facing. In fact he goes way out of his real life into fantasy which is apparent when he explains where he had disappeared to, on page 14 He had got a job on a ship and had gone to British Guiana. There he had deserted, and gone into the interior. He became a cowboy on the Rupununi, smuggled things into Brazil, and had gathered some girls from Brazil and taken them to Goergetown. He was running the best brothel in the town when the police treacherously took his bribes and arrested him. So he creates this fake identity of himself. However everything is revealed altogether when he is arrested under the charge of bigamy. He had left his first wife in Tunapuna because they could not have any children which questioned his manhood. So to avoid reality he ran away and came to Miguel Street. Then after some time he goes away and makes a baby with a Caroni Girl, Bogart still returns to Miguel Street to be a man as Hat explains at the end. POPO Popo story is quiet similar to Bogarts. He is also at first seen as a happy person. He also creates a fake identity of himself for self-amusement. He calls himself a carpenter and pretends to be busy building a thing without a name. He doesnt do anything for living and depends entirely on his wife who is employed as a cook. He shows off his prosperity in life and his status as a carpenter. He stands in the sun every morning with a glass of rum which he doesnt drink, he just holds it and when someone passes by he dips his fingers and licks them and waves at the person which shows that he is just showing off and enjoys himself being envied by other characters in the Miguel Street. However, when his conflict comes up the readers and the other characters in Miguel Street get to see a new character of Popo. His wife suddenly runs away with a gardener in her workplace and it is after that a change in Popos life-style is seen. It is also from there the readers and the other characters learn about Popo. He is no longer a man to be envied and then he disappears from Miguel Street just like Bogart and beats the guy with whom his wife had run away. He comes back to Miguel Street as a completely changed man. He starts working day and night at his carpentry and is no longer making the thing without a name. He even paints his house a bright green and red as though to express his new-found character. Eventually, his wife returns, takes up her old employment and Popo reverts to the old life of making the thing without a name.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

105 Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics for Any Project

105 Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics for Any Project SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you struggling to find good persuasive speech topics? It can be hard to find a topic that interests both you and your audience, but in this guide we’ve done the hard work and created a list of 105 great persuasive speech ideas. They’re organized into ten categories and cover a variety of topics, so you’re sure to find one that interests you. In addition to our list, we also go over which factors make good persuasive speech topics and three tips you should follow when researching and writing your persuasive speech. What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic? What makes certain persuasive speech topics better than others? There are numerous reasons, but in this section we discuss three of the most important factors of great topics for a persuasive speech. It’s Something You Know About or Are Interested in Learning About The most important factor in choosing and creating a great persuasive speech is picking a topic you care about and are interested in. You’ll need to do a lot of research on this topic, and if it’s something you like learning about, that’ll make the process much easier and more enjoyable.It’ll also help you sound passionate and informed when you talk, both important factors in giving an excellent persuasive speech. It’s a Topic People Care About In fourth grade, after being told I could give a persuasive speech on any topic I wanted to, I chose to discuss why the Saguaro cactus should be the United State’s national plant. Even though I gave an impassioned talk and drew a life-size Saguaro cactus on butcher paper to hang behind me, I doubt anyone enjoyed the speech much. I’d recently returned from a family vacation to Arizona where I’d seen Saguaro cacti for the first time and decided they were the coolest thing ever. However, most people don’t care that much about Saguaro cacti, and most people don’t care what our national plant is or if we even have one (for the record, the US has a national flower, and it’s the rose). Spare yourself the smattering of bored applause my nine-old self got at the end of my speech and choose something you think people will be interested in hearing about. This also ties into knowing your audience, which we discuss more in the final section. It Isn’t Overdone When I was in high school, nearly every persuasive speech my classmates and I were assigned was the exact same topic: should the drinking age be lowered to 18?I got this prompt in English class, on standardized tests, in speech and debate class, etc. I’ve written and presented about it so often I could probably still rattle off all the main points of my old speeches word-for-word. You can imagine that everyone’s eyes glazed over whenever classmates gave their speeches on this topic. We’d heard about it so many times that, even if it was a topic we cared about, speeches on it just didn’t interest us anymore. The are many potential topics for a persuasive speech. Be wary of choosing one that's cliche or overdone. Even if you give a great speech, it’ll be harder to keep your audience interested if they feel like they already know what you’re going to say. An exception to this rule is that if you feel you have a new viewpoint or facts about the topic that currently aren’t common knowledge. Including them can make an overdone topic interesting. If you do this, be sure to make it clear early on in your speech that you have unique info or opinions on the topic so your audience knows to expect something new. 105 Topics for a Persuasive Speech Here’s our list of 105 great persuasive speech ideas. We made sure to choose topics that aren’t overdone, yet that many people will have an interest in, and we also made a point of choosing topics with multiple viewpoints rather than simplistic topics that have a more obvious right answer (i.e. Is bullying bad?). The topics are organized into ten categories. Arts/Culture Should art and music therapy be covered by health insurance? Should all students be required to learn an instrument in school? Should all national museums be free to citizens? Should graffiti be considered art? Should offensive language be removed from works of classic literature? Are paper books better than e-books? Economic Should all interns be paid for their work? Should employees receive bonuses for walking or biking to work? Will Brexit hurt or help the UK’s economy? Should all people over the age of 65 be able to ride the bus for free? Should the federal minimum wage be increased? Should tipping in restaurants be mandatory? Should Black Friday sales be allowed to start on Thanksgiving? Education Should students who bully others be expelled? Should all schools require students wear uniforms? Should boys and girls be taught in separate classrooms? Should students be allowed to listen to music during study hall? Should all elementary schools be required to teach a foreign language? Should schools include meditation or relaxation breaks during the day? Should grades in gym class affect students’ GPAs? Should teachers get a bonus when their students score well on standardized tests? Should children of illegal immigrants be allowed to attend public schools? Should students get paid for getting a certain GPA? Should students be allowed to have their cell phones with them during school? Should high school students be allowed to leave school during lunch breaks? Should Greek life at colleges be abolished? Should high school students be required to volunteer a certain number of hours before they can graduate? Should schools still teach cursive handwriting? What are the best ways for schools to stop bullying? Ethics Should prostitution be legalized? Should people with more than one DUI lose their driver’s license? Should people be required to shovel snow from the sidewalks in front of their house? Should minors be able to drink alcohol in their home if they have their parent’s consent? Should guns be allowed on college campuses? Should flag burning as a form of protest be illegal? Should welfare recipients be required to pass a drug test? Should white supremacist groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places? Should assault weapons be illegal? Should the death penalty be abolished? Should beauty pageants for children be banned? Is it OK to refuse to serve same-sex couples based on religious beliefs? Should transgender people be allowed to serve in the military? Is it better to live together before marriage or to wait? Should affirmative action be allowed? Should prisoners be allowed to vote? Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Government/Politics Should the government spend more money on developing high-speed rail lines and less on building new roads? Should the government be allowed to censor internet content deemed inappropriate? Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state? Should Scotland declare independence from the United Kingdom? Whose face should be on the next new currency printed by the US? Should people convicted of drug possession be sent to recovery programs instead of jail? Should voting be made compulsory? Who was the best American president? Should the military budget be reduced? Should the President be allowed to serve more than two terms? Should a border fence be built between the United States and Mexico? Should countries pay ransom to terrorist groups in order to free hostages? Health Should minors be able to purchase birth control without their parent’s consent? Should hiding or lying about your HIV status with someone you’re sleeping with be illegal? Should governments tax soda and other sugary drinks and use the revenue for public health? Should high schools provide free condoms to students? Should the US switch to single-payer health care? Should healthy people be required to regularly donate blood? Should assisted suicide be legal? Religion Should religious organizations be required to pay taxes? Should priests be allowed to get married? Should the religious slaughter of animals be banned? Should the Church of Scientology be exempt from paying taxes? Should women be allowed to be priests? Should countries be allowed to only accept refugees with certain religious beliefs? Should public prayer be allowed in schools? Science/Environment Should human cloning be allowed? Should people be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys? Should â€Å"animal selfies† in tourist locations with well-known animal species (like koalas and tigers) be allowed? Should genetically modified foods be sold in grocery stores? Should people be allowed to own pit bulls? Should parents be allowed to choose the sex of their unborn children? Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school? What is the best type of renewable energy? Should plastic bags be banned in grocery stores? Should the United States rejoin the Paris Agreement? Should puppy mills be banned? Should fracking be legal? Should animal testing be illegal? Should offshore drilling be allowed in protected marine areas? Should the US government increase NASA’s budget? Should Pluto still be considered a planet? Sports Should college athletes be paid for being on a sports team? Should all athletes be required to pass regular drug tests? Should professional female athletes be paid the same as male athletes in the same sport? Are there any cases when athletes should be allowed to use steroids? Should college sports teams receive less funding? Should boxing be illegal? Should schools be required to teach all students how to swim? Should cheerleading be considered a sport? Should parents let their children play tackle football? Technology Will robots reduce or increase human employment opportunities? What age should children be allowed to have a cell phone? Should libraries be replaced with unlimited access to e-books? Overall, has technology helped connect people or isolate them? Should self-driving cars be legal? Should all new buildings be energy efficient? Is Net Neutrality a good thing or a bad thing? Do violent video games encourage players to become violent in real life? 3 Bonus Tips for Crafting Your Persuasive Speech Of course, giving a great persuasive speech requires more than just choosing a good topic. Follow the three tips below to create an outstanding speech that’ll interest and impress your audience. Do Your Research For a persuasive speech, there’s nothing worse than getting an audience question that shows you misunderstood the issue or left an important piece out. It makes your entire speech look weak and unconvincing. Before you start writing a single word of your speech, be sure to do lots of research on all sides of the topic. Look at different sources and points of view to be sure you’re getting the full picture, and if you know any experts on the topic, be sure to ask their opinion too. Consider All the Angles Persuasive speech topics are rarely black and white, which means there will be multiple sides and viewpoints on the topic. For example, for the topic â€Å"Should people be allowed to own pit bulls?† there are two obvious viewpoints: everyone should be allowed to own a pit bull if they want to, and no one should be allowed to own a pit bull. But there are other options you should also consider: people should only own a pit bull if they pass a dog training class, people should be able to own pit bulls, but only if it’s the only dog they own, people should be able to own pi tbulls but only if they live a certain distance from schools, people should be able to own pit bulls only if the dog passes an obedience class, etc. Thinking about all these angles and including them in your speech will make you seem well-informed on the topic, and it’ll increase the quality of your speech by looking at difference nuances of the issue. Know Your Audience Whenever you give a speech, it’s important to consider your audience, and this is especially true for persuasive speeches when you’re trying to convince people to believe a certain viewpoint.When writing your speech, think about what your audience likely already knows about the topic, what they probably need explained, and what aspects of the topic they care about most.Also consider what the audience will be most concerned about for a certain topic, and be sure to address those concerns. For example, if you’re giving a speech to a Catholic organization on why you think priests should be allowed to marry, you don’t need to go over the history of Catholicism or its core beliefs (which they probably already know), but you should mention any research or prominent opinions that support your view (which they likely don’t know about). They may be concerned that priests who marry won’t be as committed to God or their congregations, so be sure to address those concerns and why they shouldn’t worry about them as much as they may think. Discussing your topic with people (ideally those with viewpoints similar to those of your future audience) before you give your speech is a good way to get a better understanding of how your audience thinks. More Resources for Writing Persuasive Speeches If you need more guidance or just want to check out some examples of great persuasive writing, consider checking out the following books: Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History by William Safire - This collection of great speeches throughout history will help you decide how to style your own argument. The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking by Sims Wyeth - For quick direct tips on public speaking, try this all-purpose guide. Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Mindsby Carmine Gallo - This popular book breaks down what makes TED talks work and how you can employ those skills in your own presentations. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie andMake Good Artby Neil Gaiman - These two recent speeches by contemporary writers offer stellar examples of how to craft a compelling (and engaging) argument. Conclusion: Persuasive Speech Ideas Good persuasive speech topics can be difficult to think of, but in this guide we’ve compiled a list of 105 interesting persuasive speech topics for you to look through. The best persuasive speech ideas will be on a topic you’re interested in, aren’t overdone, and will be about something your audience cares about. After you’ve chosen your topic, keep these three tips in mind when writing your persuasive speech: Do your research Consider all the angles Know your audience What's Next? Want a great GPA?Check out our step-by-step guide to getting good grades in high school so you can have a stellar transcript. Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? Learn more about job shadowing, community service, and volunteer abroad programs. Still trying to figure out your courses? Check out our expert guide on which classes you should take in high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nokia Mobil Phone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Nokia Mobil Phone - Research Paper Example A set of possible solutions that the company could have adopted have also been set down as recommendations for the company during 2006. The recommendations set down have been well thought out and is based on the performance of the company, the factors that impacted the business during that stage and also keeping the future in mind. Firstly, it is important to identify and discuss here the stage of the life cycle model that the company was in during 2006 in the US. The year 2006 was indeed recognised to be the peek for Nokia Corporation in the US. The company had grown to sell as much as 440 million handsets which contributed to almost 40% of the overall global cell phone sales. The company was then at the pinnacle of success and every product of the company, i.e. the mobile phones as well as the MP3s were all in high demand. The company had seen an increase of 25% for the demand of the phones in the emerging markets (Kharif). The company made a net profit of almost 1.2 billion Euros. The company has also seen a major increase in the revenues in the year 2006. On the whole, the company was part of the growth stage and the company has seen intense growth and development throughout the year throughout the world except in America (Kharif). In the case of America, Nokia has moved from the growth stage and to a great extent has moved closer towards the decline stage. There has been a massive jump in the company’s position in terms of the pro duct life cycle. The years prior to 2006, have clearly been very eventful and successful for the company however, the year 2006 led the company to be left way behind competitors like Motorola. Nokia lacked the style and new trends in the mobile designs and carried on focusing solely on the bar shaped cell phones (Kharif). There was clearly little or no attention paid to the customer

Friday, October 18, 2019

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Dissertation

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Dissertation Example 5.0 Analysis 63 5.1 Organisation Effectiveness 64 5.2 Entrepreneurial Orientation 65 5.3 Market Orientation 68 5.4 Sales Force Performance 70 5.5 Sales Organization Effectiveness 74 6.0 - Conclusion 80 Bibliography 84 TABLES AND FIGURES TABLE Table 1 - Features of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 15 FIGURES Figure 1 - Hypothesized Model of Venture Capital FirmPerformance with Regard to Selected EntrepreneurialOrientation Dimensions 33 Figure 2 - Market Orientation Matrix 37 Figure 3 - Top Business Objectives Stemming from Sales 41 Figure 4 - Sales Representative Time Allocation 44 Figure 5 - Average Sell Cycle Length... According to the paper findings in order to better understand the rationale of the preceding statement, the definition of organization is integral. The basic definition describes an organization as â€Å"†¦a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals†. As the discussion declares the preceding offers a mental as well as visual conception that is expounded upon by another definition that states that an organization is a â€Å"non-random arrangement of components or parts interconnected in a manner as to constitute a system identifiable as unit†. The second definition offered by the BusinessDictionary provides an even clearer picture of the workings of organizations in that it states that they are a â€Å"Sequential or spatial (or both) from in which a body of knowledge, data, people, things, or other elements is purposefully arranged†. The organizational unit represents a grouping of people that are brought together to achieve goals, through combined efforts. The foregoing have been brought forth to indicate the complex as well as synergistic relationships that exist in organizations of all sizes, which is even more important in SMEs, due to their size and thus lack of resources to absorb mistakes and problem issues in the highly competitive business arena. Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and sales force performance represent the areas that shall be explored in this study, which shall also seek to address the nature of these relationships, and their impacts in SMEs.

How an experience of attending a concert may be affected by your Essay

How an experience of attending a concert may be affected by your expectations of it - Essay Example The mass media with the aid of different technologies often provide the viewers or the audiences with synthetic realities like animations, fast as well as slow motions, computer simulations and zooms. The broadcasts in the televisions deliver a clear view of any events or actions rather than experiencing the real event. The different effects of mass media include the deliverance of valuable information as well as news to the people, informing the public about various government programs along with policies, entertaining people and promoting various trades and industries through advertisements (Marikkar, â€Å"An Introduction to Mass Media and Their Effects and Roles in Society†). Thus, it can be stated that the mass media imposes crucial impact upon the individuals and the society at large. Thesis Statement In this discussion, a critical examination about the way an experience of attending a concert may get affected due to the prior expectations in comparison to the experience of the same event in a mediated form will be taken into concern. Moreover, a detailed analysis of both the types of experiences of the event in terms of various relevant conceptions and theories will also be portrayed in the discussion. Discussion It has been observed that the notion of synthetic experience or a mediated type of experience is qualitatively different from a real experience. The aspect of real experience principally originates within the natural sensory envelope of a person i.e. constant vision sounds among others which arises from the events occurring at their own paces in real time within the reach of the sensory capabilities of a person. Conversely, the facet of synthetic experience arises from the conceptions which do not possibly originate within the natural sensory envelope of an individual. During the years of twentieth century, the public has known to become quite familiar with an informative environment which is based upon real experiences blended with unrea l or synthetic experiences. The motion pictures usually provide synthetic experiences to the people and they self-consciously attend them as a recreational event. In this regard, both real as well as synthetic events are gradually presented to the audiences of mass media and hence every individual experiences the mixture of both the events. Through the expansion of mass media, synthetic events have increasingly become more persistent in comparison to real events in modern life in the form of synthetic experiences. The mass media has been successful in attracting the attention of a huge number of people and it has been recognized in this context that much of the current day experiences are entirely different from the experiences prior to the years of twentieth century (Funkhouser & Shaw, â€Å"How Synthetic Experience Shapes Social Reality†). However, there exist both synthetic as well as real experiences with regard to attending a particular concert. The

Altmans Z-Score Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Altmans Z-Score - Research Paper Example Altman’s Z-Score This is the same treatment used on the financial trends. The application of the Altman’s Z-Score rationale in the banking sector is based on the assumption that the loan applicants will experience a rejection in their loan status. This is a decline from the loan application. The loan applicants may also experience a thorough scrutiny in case the value observed from the Z-Score falls below the minimal critical value. The applicability of the model goes to private companies, emerging markets and to non-manufacturing firms. The discriminant resulting function illustrates itself by us of the formulae below Z=1.2X1+1.4X2+2.3X3+0.64+0.999X5 If the computation reveals a lower value e.g. of 1.81, it can be inferred to be a failed firm. An upper value of 2.99 is a successful firm and will therefore be more attractive for investment. The value of scores that forms below the successful and the failing firm forms the ignorance zone. The predictability of any model depends upon the standard deviation of the group being small. The ideology behind the multiple discriminant analysis engages on principles set to enable maximization of the group between differences while at the same time minimizing the group within differences. The process itself involves variables that can be inclusive or exclusive on an analytical criterion. The determination of the result must involve a set of guidelines that involve the observation of the data giving importance as well as the determination of the contribution. This contribution is geared towards independent variable.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dyslexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Dyslexia - Essay Example orld Federation of Neurology’: â€Å"Specific developmental dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and adequate socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities that are frequently of constitutional origin.† (Ariniello, 1999). Through this proposal it is hoped to analyze the learning disabilities of children such as reading, writing and spelling errors such as, mirror writing, back forward writing and so on. It is hoped to identify the link between these abilities (Alexander, & Slinger-Constant, 2004). That is how specific learning disabilities have an impact on other factors such as social factors, psychological factors or environmental factors and so on. Reading and learning are the two factors that decide the success of a child during his school career. Initially he learns to read. After that he reads to learn (Griffiths, & Snowling, 2002). As such reading is of paramount importance in the educational process. Unfortunately poor reading skills, and as a result poor learning skills, have become a stark reality for a disturbing number of children. The Institute for Global Education and Service Learning states that 40% of American children have difficulty reading or learning to read, and as many as three- quarters of pupils who are poor readers in third grade will remain poor readers in high school. The word "dyslexia" is frequently used to refer to the child who has an average or above average IQ and is reading 1 1/2 grades or more below grade level and whose reading problem is accompanied by the signs such as: Reversals of letters (Carrol, & Iles, 2006). That is children with dyslexia frequently confuse letters like b and d, either when reading or when writing, or they sometimes read (or write) words like "rat" for "tar," or "won" for "now." The primacy and immediacy of a priori and a posteriori implications of dyslexia among school children

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Injury and Illness Prevention Program Term Paper

Injury and Illness Prevention Program - Term Paper Example The United States Department of Labor addressed this problem and created the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. This act is geared towards the prevention of injuries and illnesses found during work by requiring employers to provide safe, working conditions that are free from dangers for their employees. The act also made the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that serves as the enforcers of the law, and it implements standards that describe methods that employers must utilize to protect their employees from hazards. Some of these standards include fall protection, prevention of infectious diseases, limiting exposure to harmful substances, provision of safety equipment, and giving training for dangerous jobs. It is the workers’ right to be protected on the job (OSHA, n.d.). In 2011, almost three million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012). 94.8% of these consisted of injuries in the workplace while 5.2% accounted for illnesses. Among the 94.8% of injuries, there are 7 ‘compensable’ claims, which are serious injuries that really hurt the employees to the extent that they could not work, or are disabled. The seven compensable claims are: Other health hazards available in the workplace that can cause illness are non-communicable and communicable diseases. The common non-communicable diseases common in the adult working class are Heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes. These non-communicable diseases are a burden on the global workforce. According to the World Health Organization (2008), in 2005, Non-communicable diseases made up 60% of all deaths worldwide. Aside from affecting the workers and their families, these diseases can also affect the economy. One example is that the WHO estimates that China can lose around 558 Billion International dollars from 2005-2015 due to

Dyslexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Dyslexia - Essay Example orld Federation of Neurology’: â€Å"Specific developmental dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and adequate socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities that are frequently of constitutional origin.† (Ariniello, 1999). Through this proposal it is hoped to analyze the learning disabilities of children such as reading, writing and spelling errors such as, mirror writing, back forward writing and so on. It is hoped to identify the link between these abilities (Alexander, & Slinger-Constant, 2004). That is how specific learning disabilities have an impact on other factors such as social factors, psychological factors or environmental factors and so on. Reading and learning are the two factors that decide the success of a child during his school career. Initially he learns to read. After that he reads to learn (Griffiths, & Snowling, 2002). As such reading is of paramount importance in the educational process. Unfortunately poor reading skills, and as a result poor learning skills, have become a stark reality for a disturbing number of children. The Institute for Global Education and Service Learning states that 40% of American children have difficulty reading or learning to read, and as many as three- quarters of pupils who are poor readers in third grade will remain poor readers in high school. The word "dyslexia" is frequently used to refer to the child who has an average or above average IQ and is reading 1 1/2 grades or more below grade level and whose reading problem is accompanied by the signs such as: Reversals of letters (Carrol, & Iles, 2006). That is children with dyslexia frequently confuse letters like b and d, either when reading or when writing, or they sometimes read (or write) words like "rat" for "tar," or "won" for "now." The primacy and immediacy of a priori and a posteriori implications of dyslexia among school children

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Abigail Williams and How She Contributed to American History Essay Example for Free

Abigail Williams and How She Contributed to American History Essay Abigail Williams was a suspicious 11 or 12 year old girl who was the leading cause of the Salem Witch Trial hysteria. There is not much background information on her, but as far as history goes, Abigail was born 1680 and lived with her Uncle Samuel Parris’ family, who was the head Reverend of Salem, Massachusetts at the time. â€Å"Although it was ordinary practice for young girls to live with relatives to learn about housewifery, we know very little about Abigail, including where she was born and who her parents were. † (Yost, 2002) In an indirect way, Abigail has contributed to American history being that she was the main cause of the Salem Witch Trial accusations. The 6th amendment of the American Constitution was highly influenced by the Salem Witch Trials. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay With the 6th amendment, the accused are entitled to have a witness, an attorney for their defense, and will be heard before a jury in court. The Salem Witch Trials affected the way America viewed reliable evidence used in court cases because they stopped using spectral evidence. During the Witchcraft trials, the only evidence available was hear-say information from the girls who were â€Å"afflicted.† More than 45 innocent people were killed, because the court believed Abigail and the girls without looking into further detail about the spoken witches. Nowadays, the accused are able to have a witness with them as well as some one who will look into their case and use accurate evidence to prove their innocence until proven guilty.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role of the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

Role of the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) The Banking Industry was once a simple and reliable business that took deposits from investors at a lower interest rate and loaned it out to borrowers at a higher rate. However deregulation and technology led to a revolution in the Banking Industry that saw it transformed. Banks have become global industrial powerhouses that have created ever more complex products that use risk and securitisation in models that only PhD students can understand. Through technology development, banking services have become available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, through ATMs, at online bankings, and in electronically enabled exchanges where everything from stocks to currency futures contracts can be traded. Indian banking industry The growth in the Indian Banking Industry has been more qualitative than quantitative and it is expected to remain the same in the coming years. Based on the projections made in the India Vision 2020 prepared by the Planning Commission and the Draft 10th Plan, the report forecasts that the pace of expansion in the balance-sheets of banks is likely to decelerate. The total assets of all scheduled commercial banks by end-March 2010 is estimated at Rs 40,90,000 crores. That will comprise about 65 per cent of GDP at current market prices as compared to 67 per cent in 2002-03. Bank assets are expected to grow at an annual composite rate of 13.4 per cent during the rest of the decade as against the growth rate of 16.7 per cent that existed between 1994-95 and 2002-03. It is expected that there will be large additions to the capital base and reserves on the liability side. The Indian Banking Industry can be categorized into non-scheduled banks and scheduled banks. Scheduled banks constitute of commercial banks and co-operative banks. There are about 67,000 branches of Scheduled banks spread across India. As far as the present scenario is concerned the Banking Industry in India is going through a transitional phase. The Public Sector Banks(PSBs), which are the base of the Banking sector in India account for more than 78 per cent of the total banking industry assets. Unfortunately they are burdened with excessive Non Performing assets (NPAs), massive manpower and lack of modern technology. On the other hand the Private Sector Banks are making tremendous progress. They are leaders in Internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking, ATMs. As far as foreign banks are concerned they are likely to succeed in the Indian Banking Industry. In the Indian Banking Industry some of the Private Sector Banks operating are IDBI Bank, ING Vyasa Bank, SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd, Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. and banks from the Public Sector include Punjab National bank, Vijaya Bank, UCO Bank, Oriental Bank, Allahabad Bank among others. ANZ Grindlays Bank, ABN-AMRO Bank, American Express Bank Ltd, Citibank are some of the foreign banks operating in the Indian Banking Industry. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) was established on July 1, 1964 under an Act of Parliament as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India. In 16 February 1976, the ownership of IDBI was transferred to the Government of India and it was made the principal financial institution for coordinating the activities of institutions engaged in financing, promoting and developing industry in the country. Although Government shareholding in the Bank came down below 100% following IDBIs public issue in July 1995, the former continues to be the major shareholder (current shareholding: 52.3%). During the four decades of its existence, IDBI has been instrumental not only in establishing a well-developed, diversified and efficient industrial and institutional structure but also adding a qualitative dimension to the process of industrial development in the country. IDBI has played a pioneering role in fulfilling its mission of promoting industrial growth through financing of medium and long-term projects, in consonance with national plans and priorities. Over the years, IDBI has enlarged its basket of products and services, covering almost the entire spectrum of industrial activities, including manufacturing and services. IDBI provides financial assistance, both in rupee and foreign currencies, for green-field projects as also for expansion, modernisation and diversification purposes. In the wake of financial sector reforms unveiled by the government since 1992, IDBI evolved an array of fund and fee-based services with a view to providing an integrated solution to meet the entire demand of financial and corporate advisory requirements of its clients. IDBI also provides indirect financial assistance by way of refinancing of loans extended by State-level financial institutions and banks and by way of rediscounting of bills of exchange arising out of sale of indigenous machinery on deferred payment terms. IDBI has played a pioneering role, particularly in the pre-reform era (1964-91),in catalyzing broad based industrial development in the country in keeping with its Government-ordained development banking charter. In pursuance of this mandate, IDBIs activities transcended the confines of pure long-term lending to industry and encompassed, among others, balanced industrial growth through development of backward areas, modernisation of specific industries, employment generation, entrepreneurship development along with support services for creating a deep and vibrant domestic capital market, including development of apposite institutional framework. Narasimam committee recommends that IDBI should give up its direct financing functions and concentrate only in promotional and refinancing role. But this recommendation was rejected by the government. Latter RBI constituted a committee under the chairmanship of S.H.Khan to examine the concept of development financing in the changed global challenges. This committee is the first to recommend the concept of universal banking. The committee wanted to the development financial institution to diversify its activity. It recommended to harmonise the role of development financing and banking activities by getting away from the conventional distinction between commercial banking and developmental banking. In September 2003, IDBI diversified its business domain further by acquiring the entire shareholding of Tata Finance Limited in Tata Home finance Ltd., signaling IDBIs foray into the retail finance sector. The fully-owned housing finance subsidiary has since been renamed IDBI Home finance Limited. In view of the signal changes in the operating environment, following initiation of reforms since the early nineties, Government of India has decided to transform IDBI into a commercial bank without eschewing its secular development finance obligations. The migration to the new business model of commercial banking, with its gateway to low-cost current, savings bank deposits, would help overcome most of the limitations of the current business model of development finance while simultaneously enabling it to diversify its client/ asset base. Towards this end, the IDB (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 2003 was passed by Parliament in December 2003. The Act provides for repeal of IDBI Act , corporatisation of IDBI (with majority Government holding; current share: 58.47%) and transformation into a commercial bank. The provisions of the Act have come into force from July 2, 2004 in terms of a Government Notification to this effect. The Notification facilitated formation, incorporation and registration of Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd. as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 and a deemed Banking Company under the Banking Regulation Act 1949 and helped in obtaining requisite regulatory and statutory clearances, including those from RBI. IDBI would commence banking business in accordance with the provisions of the new Act in addition to the business being transacted under IDBI Act, 1964 from October 1, 2004, the Appointed Date notified by the Central Government. IDBI has firmed up the infrastructure, technology platform and reorientation of its human capital to achieve a smooth transition. IDBI Bank, with which the parent IDBI was merged, was a vibrant new generation Bank. The Pvt Bank was the fastest growing banking company in India. The bank was pioneer in adapting to policy of first mover in tier 2 cities. The Bank also had the least NPA and the highest productivity per employee in the banking industry. On July 29, 2004, the Board of Directors of IDBI and IDBI Bank accorded in principle approval to the merger of IDBI Bank with the Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd. to be formed incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 pursuant to the IDB (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2003 (53 of 2003), subject to the approval of shareholders and other regulatory and statutory approvals. A mutually gainful proposition with positive implications for all stakeholders and clients, the merger process is expected to be completed during the current financial year ending March 31, 2005. IDBI would continue to provide the extant products and services as part of its development finance role even after its conversion into a banking company. In addition, the new entity would also provide an array of wholesale and retail banking products, designed to suit the specific needs cash flow requirements of corporates and individuals. In particular, IDBI would leverage the strong corporate relationships built up over the years to offer customised and total financial solutions for all corporate business needs, single-window appraisal for term loans and working capital finance, strategic advisory and hand-holding support at the implementation phase of projects, among others. IDBIs transformation into a commercial bank would provide a gateway to low-cost deposits like Current and Savings Bank Deposits. This would have a positive impact on the Banks overall cost of funds and facilitate lending at more competitive rates to its clients. The new entity would offer various retail products, leveraging upon its existing relationship with retail investors under its existing Suvidha Flexi-bond schemes. In the emerging scenario, the new IDBI hopes to realize its mission of positioning itself as a one stop super-shop and most preferred brand for providing total financial and banking solutions to corporates and individuals, capitalising on its intimate knowledge of the Indian industry and client requirements and large retail base on the liability side. Recent developments To meet emerging challenges and to keep up with reforms in financial sector, IDBI has taken steps to reshape its role from a development finance institution to a commercial institution. With the Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2003, IDBI attained the status of a limited company viz. Industrial Development Bank of India Limited (IDBIL). Subsequently, the Central Government notified October 1, 2004 as the Appointed Date and RBI issued the requisite notification on September 30, 2004 incorporating IDBI Ltd. as a scheduled bank under the RBI Act, 1934. Consequently, IDBI, the erstwhile Development Financial Institution of the country, formally entered the portals of banking business as IDBIL from October 1, 2004, over and above the business currently being transacted. Acquisition of United Western Bank In 2006, IDBI Bank acquired United Western Bank in a rescue. Annasaheb Chirmule, who worked for the cause of Swadeshi movement, founded Satara Swadeshi Commercial Bank in 1907, and some three decades later founded United Western Bank. The bank was incorporated in 1936, and commenced operations the next year, with its head office in Satara, in Maharashtra State. It became a Scheduled Bank in 1951. In 1956 it merged with Union Bank of Kolhapur, and in 1961 with Satara Swadeshi Commercial Bank. At the time of the merger with IDBI, United Western had some 230 branches spread over 47 districts in 9 states, controlled by five Zonal Offices at Mumbai, Pune, Kolhapur, Jalgaon and Nagpur. Main function of IDBI IDBI is vested with the responsibility of co-ordinating the working of institutions engaged in financing, promoting and developing industries. It has evolved an appropriate mechanism for this purpose. IDBI also undertakes/supports wide-ranging promotional activities including entrepreneurship development programmes for new entrepreneurs, provision of consultancy services for small and medium enterprises, upgradation of technology and programmes for economic upliftment of the underprivileged. IDBI role as catalyst IDBIs role as a catalyst to industrial development encompasses a wide spectrum of activities. IDBI can finance all types of industrial concerns covered under the provisions of the IDBI Act. With over three decades of service to the Indian industry, IDBI has grown substantially in terms of size of operations and portfolio. Development activities of IDBI and promotionl activities In fulfilment of its developmental role, the Bank continues to perform a wide range of promotional activities relating to developmental programmes for new entrepreneurs, consultancy services for small and medium enterprises and programmes designed for accredited voluntary agencies for the economic upliftment of the underprivileged. These include entrepreneurship development, self-employment and wage employment in the industrial sector for the weaker sections of society through voluntary agencies, support to Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Parks, Energy Conservation, Common Quality Testing Centres for small industries. Evolution Changing Role The genesis of Industrial Development Bank of India Limited (IDBI Ltd.) can be traced to the establishment of The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), its predecessor entity, in 1964, by an Act of Parliament to provide credit and other facilities for the development of industry. IDBIs charter was later broad-based to also encompass the responsibilities of principal financial institution for co-ordinating the working of National and State-level institutions engaged in financing, promoting and developing industry. Initially set up as a fully-owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the ownership of IDBI was later transferred to the Government of India in 1976. Although Government shareholding in the Bank came down below 100% following IDBIs public issue in July 1995, the former continues to be the major shareholder(currentshareholding:51.4%). Cumulative assistance sanctioned and disbursed by IDBI since inception up to end-September 2004 aggregated around Rs.2,23,000 crore and Rs 1,78,000 crore respectively. IDBIs asset base stood in the vicinity of Rs. 63,850 crore at end-September2004. As a considered response to changes in its operating environment following initiation of reforms since the early nineties and the resultant concerns of IDBIs sustained viability therein in its current avatar, IDBI, in consultation with the Government of India, decided to transform into a commercial bank without eschewing its secular development finance obligations. The migration to the new business model of commercial banking, with its gateway to low-cost current/savings bank deposits, it was felt, would help overcome most of the limitations of the current business model of development finance while simultaneously enabling it to diversify its client/asset base. Towards this end, the IDBI (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act 2003 was passed by Parliament on December 16, 2003 and received the Presidents assent on December 30, 2003. The provisions of the Act came into force from July 2, 2004 in terms of a Government Notification to this effect. The Notification enabled IDBI to obtain the requisite statutory and regulatory approvals, including those from RBI, for conversion into a banking company. The new company viz. Industrial Development Bank of India Limited (IDBIL) was incorporated on September 27, 2004 and the Registrar of Companies, Mumbai, issued the certificate for commencement of business to IDBI Ltd. on September 28, 2004. Subsequently, the Central Government notified October 1, 2004 as the Appointed Date and RBI issued the requisite notification on September 30, 2004 incorporating IDBI Ltd. as a scheduled bank under the RBI Act, 1934. Consequently, IDBI, the erstwhile Development Financial Institution of the country, formally en tered the portals of banking business as IDBIL from October 1, 2004, over and above the business currently being transacted. IDBI Ltd. is registered as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 to carry out banking business in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The IDBI Repeal Act, 2003 enabled IDBI to become a banking company without the need to obtain a separate banking licence under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. IDBI Ltd. will enjoy certain regulatory forbearance, including exemption from compliance with SLR requirements (mandated under the Banking Regulation Act) for the first five years. All existing shareholders of the erstwhile IDBI, including the Central Government, have become pro-rata shareholders of IDBI Ltd. from the appointed date. Further, the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of IDBI Ltd. require that the Central Government, as a shareholder of the Company, shall, at all times, maintain not less than 51% of the issued capital of the company. The authorized capital of IDBI Ltd, has been reduced to Rs.1250 crore from Rs.1500 crore (the authorized capital of erstwhile IDBI) in conformity with the provision of the Banking Regulation Act. The paid-up capital of the Company, at Rs.653 crore, however, remains the same as the paid-up capital of the erstwhile IDBI Role of Financial Institutions in Foreign Investment in India The main role of the financial institutions in India in respect to foreign investments is to aid foreign investors in investment activities in India. The funds from overseas countries come in two forms: Foreign direct Investments and Joint Ventures of the foreign companies with Indian companies. Foreign direct investments inflows are approved through automatic route or through government route. Those units that require government approval to get funds require the FIPB approval. Foreign Direct Investment through automatic route, on the other hand, does not require FIPB approval. All these allocation of financial assistance to various industrial units in India are guided by the financial institutions set up in various parts of India. Some of the leading financial institutions in India that play an important role in foreign investments in India are RBI, IDBI Bank, IFCI Bank, ICICI Limited and EXIM Bank. Role of IDBI in Foreign Investment The role of IDBI in Foreign Investment is mainly to provide financial assistance on a consortium basis to various industrial units in India which are mainly involved in manufacturing or processing of goods, mining, transport generation and distribution of power. Main Functions of IDBI IDBI coordinates between various financial institutions who are highly involved in provide financial assistance, promoting, and developing various industrial units IDBI is also engaged in a variety of promotional activities such as development programs for the fresh entrepreneurs, planning of consultancy services for both the small scale enterprises and the medium sized industrial units IDBI works for the advancement of technology and other welfare schemes to ensure economic development. Industrial Development Bank of India acts as a catalyst in various industrial development programs IDBI provides financial assistance to all kinds of industrial units which comes under the provisions of the IDBI Act IDBI has served various industrial sectors in India for about three years and has grown leaps and bounds in its size and operating units Role of IDBI in Foreign Investment It manages various financial institutions working under IDBI bank Provides financial assistance to various industrial units in terms of developments It also offers refinancing options including term loans to the suitable financial institutions It provides funding to the industrial units that are involved in manufacture or processing of goods, mining, transport generation and distribution of power both in private and public sectors It also provides finance to various projects, expansion of any project, diversifications, or even developing the projects which will exceed Rs. 30 million and it also provides funding to those projects which cost less than Rs. 30 million through indirect means as it offers refinancing to the main financial institutions such as SFC/SIDC/Commercial Banks Articles IDBI Bank July-Sep net up 57 pct, beats fcast State-owned IDBI Ltd on Monday posted a 57 percent rise in July-September net profit, helped by growth in both the net interest income and fee-based income, beating analyst forecasts. Net profit of the bank for the second quarter was at 2.54 billion rupees, up from 1.62 billion rupees a year ago. A Reuters poll of brokerages had estimated profits at 1.95 billion rupees. Profitability grew on the back of good growth in the net interest income and fee-based income front, Yogesh Agarwal, chairman and managing director, told reporters at a press conference. The banks net interest income rose to 4.72 billion rupees, up from 1.29 billion rupees a year ago, while fee-based income rose 99 percent to 3.90 billion rupees. Its net interest margin rose to 1.07 percent, up from 0.41 percent a year ago with cost of deposits coming down as high cost deposits were getting retired, Agarwal said. Core income helped profits grow for the bank, said an analyst in a Mumbai-based brokerage, on condition of anonymity. The bank, with a capital adequacy ratio of 11.9 percent, is waiting for government approval to raise funds for growth. Government owns around 52 percent in the bank and it will have to take a call on modes of capital-raising to be made available to the bank, he said. We hope to tap the (capital) market by January 2010, subject to government deciding on mode of capital raising to be adopted by the bank, he said. Its capital adequacy at tier I level was at 6.83 percent, while that in the tier II segment was at 5.07 percent. The bank will also raise $225 million via syndicated loans to meet its growth targets, R.K. Bansal, chief financial officer, said adding the bank is targeting a loan growth of 20 percent in the current fiscal. We will be signing for this foreign currency loan tomorrow, he said. The loan will be for a one-year tenure with an all-inclusive cost of 6.2 percent. The bank which would open its first foreign branch in Dubai has an enabling resolution to raise up to $1.5 billion via medium term notes in foreign currency, Bansal said adding it can be raised only after the lender has a foreign presence as per Reserve Bank of India guidelines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cash strapped Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), has got a line of credit of $100 million from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The institution has also reached the final stages of an arrangement with KfW of Germany for co-financing of infrastructure projects along with the line of credit (LoC)from ADB. This comes as a great help to the FI at a time when it is starved of funds. The funds will be lent against private infrastructure projects in four states namely Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. In fact, IDBI is not the only institution to have got it. IIL FS too has got a $100 million LoC from ADB.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The duration of loan from ADB will be 20 years on a floating rate basis. It will be lent at LIBOR plus 60 basis point. The boards of ADB and both the FIs have cleared the loan proposal and the signing of the documents will take place in the next 10 to 15 days. The KfW deal is being negotiated and is likely to be taken up at the latest Indo-German meeting. KfW is a development bank for developing countries that operate on behalf of the German Government. The rates in the case of KfW are likely to be very close to the rates offered by ADB. But in the case of KfW, the tenure of the payments is going to be longer in the range of 25 years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In fact, the borrowings of IDBI have been growing sharply. From Rs. 37,861 crore in 1997, it has gone up to Rs. 56,057 crore as on June 30, 2001. Of this, the borrowings outside India had grown from Rs. 5660 crore in 1997 to Rs. 7,913 crore as on June 30, 2001. In fact, IDBI along with NABARD have been requesting the RBI and the Government to extend the tenure of long-term operations funds availed by the institution from the RBI till 1990. These were taken off following the start of economic reforms in 1991.